Category: Insurance
What Everyone Should Know About Umbrellas
Umbrella policies provide extra protection beyond standard underlying liability limits you find in your Homeowners and Personal Auto policies, and they are available in increments…
Your House is Well Insured. What About the Other Structures on Your Property?
Your homeowner’s insurance policy protects you from having to fully pay on your own for damage to your home caused by fire, wind, smoke and…
The Types of Insurance a Small Business Needs
If you are just getting a business off the ground, have bought equipment/vehicles and started hiring employees, insurance should be top of mind. There are…
Delays, Higher Insurance Costs Create Challenges for Owners, Contractors
Increasing construction project delays are combining with a hardening market for builder’s risk and liability insurance to create headaches for project owners and contractors. If…
Spring Showers Bring Water Damage; Be Prepared
The old saying goes “April showers bring May flowers.” However, those same showers can also bring something unwanted: water damage. Rain that exceeds the capacity…